Visa Medical


Fee Range

Adult medicals (permanent visa)
Hepatitis BsAg (Hepatitis B only)
Adult medicals (temporary visa)
Hepatitis B & C
Child medicals (permanent visa +TB Quantiferon test
LFTs/Hep Bag/Hep C/Fetoprotein
Polio vaccine/certificate
Specialist Medical report
Hep BSAg Quantitative
HIV Confirmatory test/CD4 count
Adult medicals (permanent visa) + TB Quantiferon test
Hepatitis C antibody
TB Quantiferon test
HIV test (over 15 years)

- All travelers to Australia are advised that it is mandatory to obtain their polio vaccination and certificate or yellow card before departure.

- Applicants are advised to bring any previous immunization records they have for themselves and their family with them to their appointmen

Check List

·        Valid original passport (mandatory)

·        E medical referral letter (obtained from Australian immigration website)

·        Valid HAP ID.

·        Spectacles or contact lenses if you wear them.

·        Copies of medical reports and test for any significant medical conditions you have or may have had in the past.

·        Children seven years and below need to come with their full immunization records

·        Applicants with previous vaccination records are also advised to bring this along

·        Information about your visa subclass.

·        Details of the visa office where you lodged your application.

Things to note

Dear client,


Once we confirm that we have received your payment for Australian visa medical. This payment covers your health examination at our Centre; The Consultants Practice, 25 Raymond Njoku Rd Ikoyi.  The fee is not transferable and is non-refundable. Please note we operate a cancellation policy whereby we reserve right to charge 20,000 if you cancel within two working days of your scheduled visa medical appointment.


PLEASE READ THE INFORMATION BELOW VERYCAREFULLY.  Booking your appointment willbe taken as confirmation that you have read and fully understand theinformation contained within this letter.



Opening times (for Australian visaenquiries): 9am to 5pm

Telephone number: 07065859845,08093548099

Address: 25 Raymond Njoku Street, Ikoyi, Lagos.


All medicals are processed electronically viaeMedical.  

All applicants must have a HAP ID number atthe time of booking for us to locate your case eMedical.


Please have the following informationavailable when calling to make your appointment.

·        A valid HAP ID for eachapplicant.

·        Your preferred appointmentdate.

*Female applicants, we advise that you donot book your appointment for three days either side of your menstrual periodas this may affect the required urine test.

A full examination (you will need toundress down to your underwear) is required so please feel free to request afemale doctor at the time of your booking or on your arrival. A chaperone willbe provided. The examination does not involve breast or pelvic exam (exceptindicated).


What you need to bring for yourappointment.

·        Valid original passport (mandatory)

·        E medical referral letter (obtainedfrom Australian immigration website)

·        Valid HAP ID.

·        Spectacles or contact lenses ifyou wear them.

·        Copies of medical reports and testfor any significant medical conditions you have or may have had in the past.

·        Children seven years and belowneed to come with their full immunisation records

·        Applicants with previousvaccination records are also advised to bring this along

·        Information about your visasubclass.

·        Details of the visa officewhere you lodged your application.


What happens on the day:

·        Please ensure that you arrive for your appointment 15 minutes before your scheduled time.

·        Please allow 2-3 hours for your appointment

·        All applicants will have a full medical examination, where the applicant will undress to underwear whilst wearing a gown.  If you would like a chaperone present during the medical examination, please do not hesitate to request one.

·        A urine test is required for anyone aged5 years and above.

·        All applicants aged 11 years and above will need a chest X-ray.

·        Permanent Visa applicants aged 15 years and above will require blood tests for HIV status.

·        All doctors, dentists or nurses working in healthcare will require blood tests for HIV, Hepatitis B and C.

·        All applicants over the age of 6 weeks will be assessed for their need to receive polio vaccination.  If it is determined that Polio vaccination is required this will be administered and will attract an additional cost of five thousand naira. Polio vaccination taken within the last month before your visit will require an accompanying letter from the hospital where it was given.

·        COVID-19. If you have been vaccinated forCOVID-19 please come to your appointment with your vaccination records.

Bank details:

Company name: The Consultants Practice

Bank: Guaranty Trust Bank

Account number: 0112714630

If you require any information or would like clarification on the above please do not hesitate to contact us.


We look forward to attending to you.

The Consultants Practice.